2024 IBEW LU 435 Bursaries - IBEW 435

2024 IBEW LU 435 Bursaries

2024 IBEW LU 435 Bursaries

This year IBEW Local 435 is offering eight bursaries to children of Members. This year there are four bursaries offered for first-year Community College students, and four for first-year University students. The bursaries are $650 each.


To be eligible, the student must be an unmarried child or stepchild who graduated High School less than four years ago, and who is dependent upon a Member in good standing of Local 435. Students must be enrolled in their first year at a Community College or University at the time of application.


All information received by this office and the Bursary Committee will remain confidential. All decisions of the Bursary Committee are final. All applications (applications are considered to be the 4 items below, there are no official application forms) must be received at our office by Thursday October 31st, 2024, and must include the information below:


  • A short cover letter telling us who you are and your relation to the IBEW 435 Member.
  • A copy of an official transcript of marks for all Grade-12-level courses.
  • Proof of first-year enrollment in either a University or Community College for the 2024 – 2025 year.
  • A photo of the student. Photos of winners will be published in a future edition of our newsletter. (This year we would prefer an emailed photo to [email protected]) If you are able to email us a photo then please indicate this when sending in your bursary applications (ie: photo to follow by email). If you are unable to email,  a photo in the application will be acceptable.


Remember, your full application must be received by Thursday, October 31st, 2024 at our

address below.  Ben St. Hilaire, Mark Mabon and Joe Breland are on this year's Bursary Committee.



IBEW Local 435

Attention: Bursary Committee

214 – 301 Weston Street

Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3H4